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October 11, 2024 Alumni Membership Form

Haven High School Alumni

Association's Scholarship Awards



The Veterans Memorial Scholarship for $1000 is given in honor of all Haven High School veterans. This year Aaron Honeycutt received this scholarship. Aaron plans to attend Hutchinson Community College and major in Computer Drafting Technology. Aaron lettered in football for three years, three years in track, and one for basketball. He was also chosen to be part of the National Honor Society. Aaron has been involved in 4-H and Stucco.




Two Haven High Alumni scholarships of $1000 each were presented.  One was awarded to Raegan Case who plans to attend Wichita State University and major in Pre-Dental Hygiene. During her high school years, she has been involved with trap shooting, volleyball, and FFA. Raegan was also chosen to be part of the National Honor Society.

Braxton Miller is the other Haven High Alumni Scholarship recipient. He plans to attend Hutchinson Community College and major in accounting. The activities that Braxton was involved with during his high school years are basketball, FCA Leadership, National Honor Society, and Senior Class President. He has also been involved with community activities such as serving Christmas meals and a mission trip.

The Sally Coberly scholarship was presented to Yalena Sanchez who plans to attend Kansas State University and major in music education. Yalena was involved in Forensics for four years and qualified for State Forensics three of those years. She was also part of the debate program for two years and received first place in the novice division. She hopes to continue to use her debate skills at the college level.


As always, we wish the best for all Haven High School Graduates in their future endeavors.

Below photos and meeting

information from

the HHSAA Annual Meeting

 Friday, October 13, 2023 - Haven High School

Pictures from the HHSAA Annual Meeting - 2022


“The best thing about memories is making memories.”  Haven alumni gathered together on Friday, October 13, 2023 to share old memories and make new ones. We had a good turnout with lots of smiles and laughter that evening.  We also had a good turnout for the open house on Saturday following the parade.

The 2023 Wall of Honor recipient was Phillip Fishburn, Class of 1975.  Phillip, nominated by Harland Priddle and introduced by Bill Popp, has an outstanding professional career including working for Kansas U.S. Representative Dan Glickman, Secretary of Agriculture for Kansas and a career with the Midwest Assistance Program, helping small rural communities receive funds for drinking water and wastewater utility improvement projects.  Phillip was joined by his wife, Carolyn, and son, Samuel, Class of 2009, and a surprise visit by his brother, Bryan, Class of 1969.


Your Haven High School Alumni Board for this next year are:

Kathy (Stalcup) Geffert, President

Bill Popp, Vice President

Kathy (Fowler) Edwards, Secretary

Mike Fahrbach, Treasurer

Jean (Tonn) Beal, Scholarship Chairman

Judy (Bontrager) Langley, Director

Lisa (Guhl) Vierthaler, Director

                     Roger Vierthaler, Director

Watch for information as we make plans for the 2024 Haven High School Alumni Reunion. 

If you haven’t paid your dues, it’s never too late.  $12.00 per person and $20 per family.

We also welcome donations to the scholarship fund at this address:  Haven High School Alumni Association, PO Box 131, Haven, KS 67543. 

Remember to include your name (and maiden name), address, graduation year and email address.  Scholarships are awarded in May.

THANK YOU all for your support!!!

If you are interested in leaving an endowment

to the Alumni Association, please contact

an Alumni Association Board member

for information.


If you or a relative would like to

leave a memorial for a loved one,

that would also be welcomed.

What We Do

The Haven High School Alumni Association was established to provide the linkage from the days as a student to the present.

We provide scholarships to deserving Seniors to help them continue their education.

This site provides information on our history, class reunions, annual meetings, and how you can join us.

Who We Are

Haven High School has served our community and this area for over 100 years.

The graduates from Haven have achieved much success their individual endevors.

The days spent at Haven High School are remembered for a lifetime.

Meeting Information

Our annual meeting and reunion event is on the second Friday each October each has been a success hundreds of people attending our evening dinner.

Start planning now to attend the next celebration in October, and enjoy a night of friendship with those you went to school with.

Haven High School Alumni Association’s

Scholarship Awards


Kaley Mulligan was selected as the $500 Veterans’ Scholarship recipient for 2023. Her plans are to attend Butler County and study Nursing. She chose this route because Butler has a co-op program with KU so that she can receive her Bachelor of Science in Nursing. During high school, Kaley was involved with tennis, forensics, and band. She was also involved with the Haven High School Wildcat Broadcasting club. Her father, Michael Mulligan, has served in the military.

The 2023 Veterans Scholarship was presented in honor of Orley (Leon) Lake. He was from the class of 1956 and served in the United States Air Force from January of 1961 to October of 1983. Leon rose to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. In 1970 when he was a captain in USAF he received his PHD in Electrical Engineering at the University of Oklahoma. Leon is also a recipient of the Haven Alumni Wall of Honor.


A one-time scholarship was awarded in honor of Jerry Troyer.

Pete Mueller wrote this about his classmate:

Jerry Troyer was an active alumnus of the class of 1958, keeping in touch with his fellow old timers. Together they exchanged memories of HHS and mutual interests in the areas of family, friends, career, politics, the importance of education, and a personal favorite, restoring antique machinery. Jerry did not shrink from restoring anything with the John Deere name on it.”


Zoey Scott was chosen as the recipient of this $500 scholarship. She plans to attend Kansas State University and major in Interior Design. Zoey was involved in volleyball, softball, Rise UP Reno, and Haven Preschool internship while at HHS. She was also on the honor roll all four years.


Kayda King, Amanda Higginbotham, and Clayton Shingleton were each awarded $500 scholarships by the Haven High School Alumni Association

Kayda King plans to attend Hutchinson Community College and study Business Administration. Some day she would like to be an office manager. Kayda was involved with basketball, KAYS, National Honor Society, cheer, softball manager, Angel Tree shopping, Haven Food Bank drive, and STUCO.


Amanda Higginbotham also plans to attend HCC and study Music Education. She loves making music and it has been a big part of her life. She has been involved with band, jazz band, chorale, Wildcat Singers, tennis, cheer, softball, track, and several honor choirs.


Clayton Shingleton plans to attend HCC to study zoology or biology. Some day he wants to further his education in Veterinary Medicine. He has been involved with FFA, KAYS, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, band, cross country, football, basketball, tennis and several food drives.


Travis Popp was selected as the recipient of the $1500 Dr. Sally Coberly Scholarship. Travis plans to attend Wichita State University and study criminal justice/law. His interest in this field began as a high school debater where he served as the debate captain. He was also fortunate to participate in an internship at a law firm. Travis was also involved in Scholar’s Bowl.


As always, we wish the best for all Haven High School Graduates in their future endeavors.

